Please join us in equipping, encouraging and empowering people who have lived through the horrendous trauma of modern slavery.

If you would like to make a donation our bank details are below. (Please note that the Co-op Bank is not yet a member of the new 'confirmation of payee' scheme initiated by the larger banks so you may see a message such as 'This payee cannot be verified'. As long as you have double checked the bank details above, it's safe to continue!)

The co-operative bank

Name: Just Ice

Account: 67311826

Sort Code: 089299

Charity no. 1203382

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer you can help us even more by applying for gift aid. This means the government will increase your donation by 25%. To use gift aid simply download and fill out the form below. Then send the form over to and we will be able to claim aid on your donation.

Below is the form for past, present and future giving.

Below is the form for one off giving.


Thank you for partnering with us!

Check out our social media below.